Game News

Receiving Black Friday hench

Hello masters!All accounts that participated in the Black Friday event, received, through NPC MailMan, a special card called "Black Friday special...

Sunday, December 6 2020, at 02:38 PM (GMT +10)
About exclusive hench from Blackfriday

The exclusive hench will be postponed to December 7, as we have verified that there is a problem with the hench status and we will need to restart...

Friday, December 4 2020, at 10:39 PM (GMT +10)
End of maintenance. Patch notes

 Hello masters!Maintenance was completed successfully and Patch 4.65588 comes with the following changes:[1] All SETs and Weapons in the game...

Monday, November 30 2020, at 12:58 PM (GMT +10)
Juna Final Stage formula available!

The formula for Juna's last stage is available! Starting today, until December 31, 2020, you will be able to formulate Juna in the final stage...

Wednesday, November 25 2020, at 07:48 AM (GMT +10)
Maintenance completed. Changelog and more.

Maintenance was completed successfully and the game client was prepared for new events to come.We will start a test with wanted systems.The rounds...

Monday, November 9 2020, at 09:42 PM (GMT +10)
Evolving Juna to Stage 3 - Quest

 Now the collector has a new quest available!If you completed the last quest during halloween to evolve Juna to level 2, you can use that Juna...

Saturday, November 7 2020, at 10:16 PM (GMT +10)