Game News
Maintenance completed. See change log.
Hello masters! The maintenance was completed successfully and below is the list of changes [4.65653]. -> Note: A new game client [4.65653] is...
Wednesday, November 3 2021, at 10:47 AM (GMT +10)About level 190 weapons
Hello masters! We have received some reports about the stats of 190 weapons and would like to let you know that there will be a rebalancing of...
Friday, October 22 2021, at 01:46 AM (GMT +10)Changes and upcoming events
Hello masters! We release the following formulas...
Tuesday, October 19 2021, at 11:51 AM (GMT +10)Beast Seasons hench and Daily Quests
Hello masters! Season Beasts exclusive hench reward is now available through the NPC: Events exchanger in Magirita (X: 102, Y: 81). If you...
Monday, October 11 2021, at 12:25 AM (GMT +10)Maintenance completed. Change log.
Hello masters! The maintenance was completed successfully and below are the changes: [1] The game client has been updated as well as our terms...
Sunday, October 10 2021, at 11:16 AM (GMT +10)Season Event note and more.
Hello masters! With the amount of feedback we receive, we added +3 days to complete daily quests in the Season Beasts event. With that, the...
Thursday, September 30 2021, at 10:08 AM (GMT +10)