Game News
Maintenance completed. Change log
Hello masters! The maintenance has been successfuly completed. Bellow you can see some changes log. [1] Vulcan's Island (L1~L3) henchs now...
Friday, July 23 2021, at 11:03 AM (GMT +10)Upgrade Hench System & GP Boost 3x
Hello masters! We launched a power evolution system for henchs through the Upgrader Stone in Magirita. You can make your hench more...
Monday, July 5 2021, at 04:21 PM (GMT +10)Evolve even more with hunter rings!
Evolve even more with hunter rings! To further enjoy the extended +13x XP boost weekend, we've added a special item to MixMall, the Hunter...
Saturday, June 19 2021, at 06:01 AM (GMT +10)Clarification Note
[ALT] button now is turned ON and OFF by just pressing it 1 time. Hello masters! After a few reports, we carried out an investigation on...
Friday, June 18 2021, at 09:51 PM (GMT +10)End of maintenance. Change log
Hello masters! The maintenance has been successfuly finished. We have fixed some bugs reported and prepared the game client for future...
Friday, June 18 2021, at 11:50 AM (GMT +10)Deep Void Forest formulas revealed!
The continuation of Void Forest is on the air! Now, at the NPC, you will also have the option to travel to Deep Void Forest (Lv.165+), as long...
Wednesday, May 26 2021, at 11:54 PM (GMT +10)