Game News

End of maintenance. Changelog

 Maintenance was successfully completed.In that maintenance, the following changes took place:[1] The game was prepared for the halloween...

Thursday, October 22 2020, at 12:00 AM (GMT +10)
End of maintenance. Change log

Maintenance was completed successfully.As mentioned in the previous post, the changes follow:[1] Alteration of the awards received at Siege...

Monday, October 5 2020, at 12:00 PM (GMT +10)
The discovery of new henchs!

Dr. Jove found evidence that henchs came from Artreia and were spotted by some citizens. The new henchs discovered are even more powerful than those...

Friday, September 25 2020, at 06:00 AM (GMT +10)
New formula available: Neo ShadowClaw

 The shadow claw is the hench that was given as a reward at the Boost Marathon event.If you haven’t got this hench yet, keep getting the...

Tuesday, September 15 2020, at 04:00 AM (GMT +10)
Scheduled server restart [complete]

 Hello masters!We have scheduled a server restart for this September 12th at 12:00 PM.The restart will be for applying security updates and...

Saturday, September 12 2020, at 09:15 AM (GMT +10)
Maintenance has been completed

The unexpected maintenance was completed and we were able to resolve the issue reported by other players. A new Box event is expected to start...

Tuesday, August 18 2020, at 12:16 PM (GMT +10)