Game News

Server Connection

Hello masters! Our technical team is currently reviewing the lagtency in the server which was reported by users. We may undergo a maintenance at...

Saturday, March 16 2019, at 08:31 PM (GMT +10)
Important Notice

Hello masters! During today we are doing a complete backup of our current hosting company and moving to our new hosting server. This means all...

Saturday, February 23 2019, at 07:19 PM (GMT +10)
End of maintenance, server online!

Hello Masters, Maintenance has been completed. Patch Notes: 1). Master Valor NPC, will be operating today at 6:00pm. in the meantime we have...

Saturday, February 9 2019, at 02:18 AM (GMT +10)
End of maintenance, server online!

Hello Masters, Maintenance has been completed. Patch Notes: 1). We have tested some new functions of the Master Valor Quest which is coming...

Friday, January 25 2019, at 10:51 PM (GMT +10)
Scheduled Server Maintenance on Friday (14)

Hello masters! We are preparing a maintenance to add some new things to the server at this friday, December, 14. After the maintenance, the...

Thursday, December 13 2018, at 05:46 AM (GMT +10)
Regarding Siege Affair

Hello Masters, Unfortunately we have had to restart server today and revert back to current old configuration settings of siege affair. Therefore...

Saturday, November 17 2018, at 06:06 PM (GMT +10)