Game News

Postponed maintenance

Maintenance postponed to the same time this Sunday. Maintenance scheduled to begin today at 8:00 AM has been postponed and is expected to take...

Saturday, December 7 2019, at 07:59 AM (GMT +10)
End of maintenance, server online. See the patch notes

Maintenance completed successfully. Below is the change log: [1] Rebalanced Pirate island map, the EXP rate is now completed and adjusted...

Saturday, November 23 2019, at 12:31 PM (GMT +10)
Pirate Island update

The first step of the Pirate Island update is in the air! See the new monsters you might encounter! Many missions are coming, in this...

Tuesday, November 12 2019, at 01:18 AM (GMT +10)
End of maintenance, server online. See the patch notes

Maintenance has been completed successfully, we are sorry for the delay. Below are the update notes: [1] The daily prize of the castle winners has...

Tuesday, November 12 2019, at 01:12 AM (GMT +10)
Scheduled Server Maintenance, Tuesday, 12 Nov, 08:30 AM (GMT + 10)

Maintenance will last a minimum of 3 hours.

Monday, November 11 2019, at 12:16 AM (GMT +10)
Result of the first screenshot contest! Congratulations to the winners!

Thank you all for your efforts and screenshot submissions! Below are the 3 winners. The awards will be given to the winners at the next server...

Friday, October 18 2019, at 12:43 PM (GMT +10)