Game News

Weekly note

Hello masters! We received feedback on the new interface update and will make the requested changes. The Screenshot event has been extended...

Monday, October 14 2019, at 05:02 AM (GMT +10)
End of maintenance, server online. See the change log.

End of maintenance, online server. See the changes below: * The insect hunting event has been extended until October 14, but the Researcher is...

Saturday, October 5 2019, at 11:07 AM (GMT +10)
Maintenance has been completed. [Changelog]

Maintenance has been successfully completed. The list of changes and corrections follows below. [1] Text corrections and translations of NPCs,...

Friday, September 27 2019, at 02:30 PM (GMT +10)
Master Henchs available on MixMall!

Master Henches are now available through MixMall. You can now purchase the Card and trade it for the hench when talking to NPC Hench...

Thursday, September 26 2019, at 07:25 AM (GMT +10)
End of maintenance

Hello masters! Maintenance was completed at 8:00pm. The final stages of the latest patch has been completed though our NPC is not yet activated in...

Saturday, August 10 2019, at 06:13 AM (GMT +10)
End of maintenance. Server is online.

Hello players! The scheduled maintenance ended and with it follows the significant modifications: * SPAWN of the Shadow-Brothers removed. * Fixed...

Saturday, July 20 2019, at 01:13 AM (GMT +10)