Game News

End of maintenance. Change logs

Hello masters! Maintenance has been completed and bellow you see the main changes: [1] Daily Premium Zone change: * Flowrice NPC exchange...

Tuesday, May 18 2021, at 12:16 PM (GMT +10)
Server restart & Boost Event (x13)

The server was restarted that morning, 03:00 AM due to a failure to connect to the server.We are checking what caused the incident.As an excuse, we...

Sunday, May 9 2021, at 06:41 PM (GMT +10)
Data System and new formulas!

 Hello masters!After hearing several feedbacks from our players, especially the novices, who have difficulty finding some items / monsters in...

Saturday, April 24 2021, at 11:41 PM (GMT +10)
Maintenance completed. Change log

Hello masters!Maintenance was completed successfully.Below are some determinant changes: [1] The game has been prepared for the new events...

Saturday, April 24 2021, at 11:36 PM (GMT +10)
Maintenance completed. Change Logs

Hello masters!Maintenance was completed successfully.Below are some determinant changes: [1] The names of several monsters have been...

Wednesday, April 7 2021, at 10:25 PM (GMT +10)
Maintenance completed. Change Log

Maintenance lasted a little longer than planned but was successfully completed, bellow you can see the changes.[1] Easter Event was prepared. It...

Thursday, April 1 2021, at 11:29 AM (GMT +10)