Game News
Maintenance has been completed. Change logs
Hello masters! The maintenance has been completed. Bellow you can see all change logs: The following events have been finished ● Hunting...
Wednesday, February 1 2023, at 12:06 AM (GMT +10)Title System is now available!
The title system has been released! To manage your titles, you should talk to NPC Blacker in Magirita. Talk to NPC located in Magirita, as...
Wednesday, January 11 2023, at 03:03 PM (GMT +10)Maintenance completed. See the change logs.
Maintenance has been completed and the following changes were applied: 1. Reorganization of Lost Temple L4 spawn. 2. 50% increase in the amount...
Wednesday, January 11 2023, at 09:19 AM (GMT +10)Change notes
Hello masters! Some changes have been applied to the server, below is the list of changes: ■ The Halloween event: [Gamble Witch] has been...
Saturday, November 12 2022, at 09:15 PM (GMT +10)About next update
hello masters, Due to an issue found in one of the received Halloween NPCs and a new item, the server restart for the start of the Halloween event...
Monday, October 17 2022, at 10:59 PM (GMT +10)Maintenance finished. Change log.
Hello masters! We restart and apply a quick maintenance on the server to prepare the game for Halloween and Season Henchs events coming. In...
Thursday, October 13 2022, at 09:34 AM (GMT +10)