Game News
[30% more Cash Charge]
Hello masters! From 14th April until April 16th we are running a Cash promotional event: 30% more on any Package of Cash Points using Paypal!...
Sunday, April 14 2019, at 04:25 PM (GMT +10)[30% more Cash Charge]
Hello masters! From 17th January until January 20th we are running a Cash promotional event: 30% more on any Package of Cash Points! Its time...
Thursday, January 17 2019, at 01:54 PM (GMT +10)New gold Hench released!
Hello masters! We have successfuly completed the maintenance. You can now login and play normally. The Third noel event has been added. Complete...
Saturday, December 22 2018, at 11:51 PM (GMT +10)[40% more Cash Charge]
Hello masters! From 14th October until December 16th we are running a Cash promotional event: 40% more on any Package of Cash Points! Its time...
Sunday, December 16 2018, at 02:01 PM (GMT +10)Merry Christmas! The events are coming!
Hello masters! We have successfuly completed the maintenance. You can now login and play normally. The first noel event has been added. Complete...
Friday, December 14 2018, at 11:08 PM (GMT +10)New gold Hench released!
Hello Masters, We have released another gold hench during the event only! Please read the following image below: Best regards, MixMaster...
Friday, November 23 2018, at 06:29 PM (GMT +10)