Game News
15% discount on mixmall and new xmas formula availables
* A 15% discount on all mixmall items is available until 12/31. * Ending January 5, 2020, a new formula using RockyRush and Christmas...
Wednesday, December 25 2019, at 04:15 PM (GMT +10)XBoost Event! 12/12/12 Until December, 31
During this end of December, happy holidays bring special rates! 12x Experience 12x Core Drop 12x Item Drop 3x GP Drop Until December...
Thursday, December 19 2019, at 02:02 AM (GMT +10)Limited charge event! +30% extra CP!
Until December 25, 2019, at 23:59, a charge event will be taking place. By charging your account you will receive 30% more points! Event...
Wednesday, December 18 2019, at 02:02 PM (GMT +10)The Christmas events have arrived!
By the end of December 31st you will have many events taking place in the mixmaster world! Stay tuned! By 10/25 new events should...
Wednesday, December 18 2019, at 12:46 PM (GMT +10)Special Boost Event until December, 4th
Starting today, December 1st, until December 4th, a special Boost event will be going on in the mixmaster world! Enjoy to train hard and get to...
Sunday, December 1 2019, at 09:45 AM (GMT +10)Black Friday limited promotion at MixMall!
Black Friday Limited Promotion at Mix Mall! During this Friday, we will have a super promotion on all items in the store! * All mixmall items...
Thursday, November 28 2019, at 11:35 PM (GMT +10)