Game News
Boost Saturday Event!
Boost Day! This Saturday, for 24 hours, the random auction boost item will be replaced by Pinky Cloud (3 hours). The chance to get the Daily...
Thursday, May 6 2021, at 09:20 PM (GMT +10)Gamble Auction Event!
The Random Auction event has started! To participate, just talk to the NPC: Random Auction, located in Magirita (X: 105, Y:...
Tuesday, April 27 2021, at 11:51 PM (GMT +10)Heat Collection quest Part 6/6
Starting on March 5, the collector will have a special quest called Heat Collection, which will be divided into 6 parts.Each part contains its...
Tuesday, April 13 2021, at 07:18 AM (GMT +10)Heat Collection quest Part 5/6
Starting on March 5, the collector will have a special quest called Heat Collection, which will be divided into 6 parts.Each part contains its...
Friday, April 2 2021, at 02:21 PM (GMT +10)Easter event start!
Hello masters!The Easter season is back and this time, the event is: collect eggs and exchange for rewards using the NPC: Easter Bunny!On all maps,...
Friday, April 2 2021, at 10:50 AM (GMT +10)Heat Collection quest Part 4/6
Starting now on March 5, the collector will have a special quest called Heat Collection, which will be divided into 6 parts.Each part contains its...
Thursday, March 25 2021, at 08:33 AM (GMT +10)