Game News
Season Event: Metal! Started!
Before we start introducing the next event, we would like to say that the hench cards from the past event have already been delivered! All...
Tuesday, August 10 2021, at 11:55 PM (GMT +10)Season Event: Mystery!
Before we start introducing the next event, we would like to say that the hench cards from the past event have already been delivered! All...
Monday, July 26 2021, at 11:06 AM (GMT +10)SUPER 20% OFF DAYS! *Extended
To get even more out of this week in July, we're starting a 20% off store-wide promotion on MixMall + AP Store today. The event will end...
Monday, July 12 2021, at 08:44 AM (GMT +10)Season Event: Bird!
Let's start the season event! The season event will take place with all types of hench, one at a time. For each season, (1) new special...
Friday, July 9 2021, at 10:32 AM (GMT +10)Boost Weekend & Shadow Harpy hench is back!
And let's go with more events!? A new special quest is now available in Collector in Mekrita (X: 106, Y: 139). Complete all proposed tasks to...
Saturday, June 19 2021, at 05:22 PM (GMT +10)15% off weekend sales
Hello masters! During this weekend, all items from the mixmall and the AP store will be discounted by 15%. The event ends Tuesday, May 18 at...
Friday, May 14 2021, at 10:03 PM (GMT +10)