Game News
Update Notes (2023 05 25)
Hello masters! For a first release, we've added the hunting maps for guilds that dominate the castle. ■ [Talk to NPC: Hunting Ground]...
Thursday, May 25 2023, at 11:38 AM (GMT +10)Update Notes
A rebalance has been applied to stats of (need to use a nimble converter to update it): ■ Aperia ■ Hellhound ■ Zacharis ■ Horus ■...
Monday, May 22 2023, at 09:54 PM (GMT +10)Scheduled server maintenance and notes
Hello masters! First of all, we would like to apologize for the delay in the Siege Affair changes. We noticed a bug in the new map shortly before...
Friday, May 19 2023, at 09:09 PM (GMT +10)Gamble Auction Event #1
Gamble Auction Boost Event From: May, 16 ~ May, 19 We have boosted the probability of take following items from Gamble Auction NPC: To...
Tuesday, May 16 2023, at 03:21 AM (GMT +10)Hunting Seasons: Plant!
● The Boost Event has been extended. Starting: May, 16 ~ Ending: May, 26 13.5x +EXP / 12.5x +CORE DROP RATE / 12.5x +ITEM DROP RATE If you...
Monday, May 15 2023, at 01:50 PM (GMT +10)Update note
Hello masters! 1. Let's get the news. Weekend Boost has been activated until Monday, May, 15. 13.5x EXP / 12.5x CORE / 12.5x ITEM (A new...
Friday, May 12 2023, at 11:21 PM (GMT +10)