Game News

Insect Season Event Schedule!

Hello masters! Insect season starts today and below you will see the schedule of activities we have prepared: Each activity starts at a...

Thursday, July 20 2023, at 04:31 AM (GMT +10)
Update Notes (July, 10)

< Daily Quest changes > ■ We have rebuilt the daily quest NPC. Now, each player will receive a random quest daily. This means that it will no...

Monday, July 10 2023, at 12:58 PM (GMT +10)
Update Notes

Hello masters! As scheduled in previous notice, we have applied the following changes: < Siege Affair Changes > ■ The [Keeper of Gifts]...

Saturday, July 8 2023, at 02:53 PM (GMT +10)
Update Notes & Activicties

Hello masters! Maintenance completed successfully. Below are the changes: 1. Activity number 5 of the Season Birds event has started! You...

Sunday, July 2 2023, at 12:02 PM (GMT +10)
Scheduled Server Maintenance (Jul 02)

Hello masters! We will have a scheduled server maintenance this Sunday, 09:00 AM (Australia/Brisbane Time) lasting up to 3 hours, which can be...

Saturday, July 1 2023, at 05:13 AM (GMT +10)
* Bird Season Event Schedule *

Hello masters! Bird season starts today and below you will see the schedule of activities we have prepared; Each activity starts at a...

Monday, June 19 2023, at 05:11 AM (GMT +10)