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Mix Gun Charger (medium)

Charger Item

You can recharge your mix gun by +50 tries using this item!

Valor's Guide Book

Item for Mix
When given to mix builder in mix, the success rate increases by 1.3x

Usage limit: 1 use

Blessed Flower in the Book

Item for Mix
* When given to mix builder in mix, the success rate increases 1.6x.
* Even when mix fail, hench level will not decrease and hench will not disappear.

Usage limit: 1 use

Premium Flower in the Book

Item for Mix
* When given to mix builder in mix, the success rate increases 2x.
* Even when mix fail, hench level will not decrease and hench will not disappear.

Usage limit: 1 use

Gender Change

Hench Gender Change
A miracle potion created by a mysterious professor.
Tastes horrible but when drunk, the Henches gender is changed.

Usage limit: 1 use

Blessed Fruit of Life

Item for Mix
If you use Fruit of Life, even when mix fail, hench level will not decrease.