Game News

Scheduled server maintenance, May 3

Scheduled maintenance on the server this Tuesday, May 3, 2022, at 09:00 AM, Australia time (Brisbane). Maintenance will last up to 3 hours and may...

Friday, April 29 2022, at 02:39 AM (GMT +10)
Happy Easter event!

Hello masters! Easter has arrived again this year and to celebrate, Easter Bunny is in Magirita (X 144 Y 93) and needs your help to find...

Saturday, April 16 2022, at 02:35 AM (GMT +10)
Patch notes - 2022 Apr 12

We have released a patch to correct and modify the following points: 1. The top image of the following henchs has been fixed: Benner (Christmas...

Tuesday, April 12 2022, at 09:05 AM (GMT +10)
End of maintenance. Change logs

Hello masters, Maintenance has been successfully completed. Below you can check the changes and news. 1. Fixed the issue of not being able...

Tuesday, April 5 2022, at 11:28 PM (GMT +10)
Scheduled server maintenance, April 06

Hello masters! We will have scheduled server maintenance on April 06 at 9:00 am (australia/brisbane time) The server may be restarted at...

Friday, April 1 2022, at 07:57 PM (GMT +10)
Pet Training Event!

Hello masters! Today is the delivery of Hench to players who completed at least 15 daily quests during the Season Dragon event. Congratulations...

Sunday, February 27 2022, at 10:14 AM (GMT +10)