Game News

Scheduled maintenance (Nov. 07)

Scheduled server maintenance: Tuesday, November 7th at 09:00 AM (Australian/Brisbane time). Maintenance will last up to 3 hours and can be...

Sunday, November 5 2023, at 07:13 AM (GMT +10)
Halloween Event! 2023!

Hello masters! To view the change log of maintenance, please, check it here in our blog. The Halloween event has started and below you can see...

Monday, October 23 2023, at 11:56 PM (GMT +10)
Scheduled maintenance (Oct. 24)

Hello masters! We will have scheduled server maintenance this October 24, 2023, at 09:00 AM (Brisbane/Australia time). During maintenance,...

Sunday, October 22 2023, at 05:53 PM (GMT +10)
End of maintenance. Change log.

Hello masters! Maintenance has been completed, here is the list of changes to the server: 1. Added to NPC: [Item Maker] in Northern Magirita...

Saturday, October 14 2023, at 11:37 AM (GMT +10)
Scheduled maintenance (Oct. 14) + New Tier Spending

We will have scheduled server maintenance this Saturday, October 14, 2023, at 09:00 AM (Brisbane/Australia time). During maintenance, access to...

Wednesday, October 11 2023, at 11:49 PM (GMT +10)
~Information about new set release

Hello masters! Due to an internal problem that prevents us from releasing an Update Patch, the availability of the new SET that was scheduled for...

Tuesday, October 3 2023, at 08:50 AM (GMT +10)