Game News

End of maintenance. Patch notes.

Hello masters! Maintenance has been completed successfully. Among the changes, we prepared the game client for new updates and systems....

Tuesday, July 16 2024, at 02:57 AM (GMT +10)
Scheduled server maintenance (July, 16)

Hello masters! We will have scheduled maintenance on the server, this Tuesday, July 16, 2024, at 09:00 AM. Maintenance will focus on officially...

Friday, July 12 2024, at 04:05 AM (GMT +10)
Super Gambling & Leveling Events!

@edit: 2024.07.04: Gamble Box received during the event can be traded. It should not disappear. 2024.07.04: NPC: Super Gambling is now located in...

Tuesday, July 2 2024, at 02:34 AM (GMT +10)
End of maintenance. Server online.

Hello masters! Maintenance has been completed successfully. We have prepared the game client for future updates. Remembering that, next week we...

Friday, June 28 2024, at 12:11 AM (GMT +10)
Developer's note #1

Hello masters! It is a pleasure to inform you about our Development Notes. This is the first in a series of news that aims to discuss what is...

Thursday, June 27 2024, at 03:06 AM (GMT +10)
Scheduled server maintenance (June, 28)

We will have scheduled maintenance on the server this Friday, June 28th, at 09:00 AM. Maintenance will last an average of 3 hours and can be...

Wednesday, June 26 2024, at 02:19 AM (GMT +10)