Game News
Scheduled Maintenance.
Hello masters! We are going to begin a maintenance today at 6:00pm. We will be fixing a few bugs that has been reported lately, the server will...
Monday, June 26 2017, at 12:00 AM (GMT +10)[End of maintenance]. Patch notes!
Hello masters! [1] New Siege Affair Magirita Item reward box, (Hench Box Removed from Siege Affair). [2] Fixed some missing formula's [3]...
Thursday, June 22 2017, at 12:00 AM (GMT +10)Important Server Maintenance
Hello masters! Server will be going offline 7:00pm tonight for a period of 2 hours. You will not be able to access the server during the time...
Thursday, June 22 2017, at 12:00 AM (GMT +10)June's Charging Cash Event (30% more)
Hello masters! From today until June, 25 we are running a Cash promotional event: 30% more on any Package of Cash Points! It's time to get the...
Sunday, June 18 2017, at 12:00 AM (GMT +10)Scheduled Maintenance Notice.
Hello masters! Server will be going offline 1:00pm 17th June. You will not be able to access the server during the maintenance for up to at least...
Saturday, June 17 2017, at 12:00 AM (GMT +10)End of maintenance. Server online
Hello masters! We have successfuly finished the maintenance on Servers. You can now log in and play! Regards, Mixmaster Team.
Sunday, June 11 2017, at 12:00 AM (GMT +10)