Game News

New Changes to server

[b]Hello masters! [/b] Lately, We will be making changes to the server in order to improve the quality and status of the game. We have put new...

Thursday, November 2 2017, at 12:00 AM (GMT +10)
We have updated our 'Terms of Use'.

Hello masters! We have recently updated our Terms of Use. Please, read carefully by [link:'...

Monday, October 23 2017, at 12:00 AM (GMT +10)
Patch Notes
[End of maintenance], Patch notes

[b]Hello masters! [/b] [b]Maintenance has now been completed successfully. [/b] The following changes has been performed on the...

Friday, October 20 2017, at 12:00 AM (GMT +10)
Halloween Event, Let's Play!

Friday, October 20 2017, at 12:00 AM (GMT +10)
Halloween Event

[b]Hello masters! [/b] We have scheduled a server maintenance to begin on [b]Friday 20th, October '1pm ~ 3pm'. [/b]We are going to be adding...

Thursday, October 19 2017, at 12:00 AM (GMT +10)
Patch Notes
End of Maintenace, Patch notes

[b]Hello masters! [/b] [b]Maintenance has now been completed successfully. [/b] The following changes has been performed on the...

Friday, October 13 2017, at 12:00 AM (GMT +10)