Game News
End of maintenance, server online!
Hello masters! We have completed maintenance successfully. The following changes have been made: 1). Divine Armour NPC has now become active....
Thursday, May 16 2019, at 01:56 PM (GMT +10)Mini Boss Formula Released
Hello masters! We have released the mini boss formula to mixmaster online which is now active in game! [b]New Formula Formula:[/b] Neo...
Saturday, May 4 2019, at 01:03 PM (GMT +10)End of maintenance, server online!
Hello masters! We have completed maintenance successfully. The following changes have been made: 1). Divine Armour has been added to NPC....
Friday, May 3 2019, at 09:43 PM (GMT +10)End of maintenance, server online!
Hello masters! Maintenance has been successfully completed. 1). 6 new NPC has been added to Magirita map, this will include the Divine Quest...
Friday, April 26 2019, at 03:43 PM (GMT +10)End of maintenance, server online!
Hello masters! Maintenance has been completed successfully, we have repaired the following bugs in the game at the moment. 1). Master valor...
Friday, March 22 2019, at 07:48 PM (GMT +10)End of maintenance, server online!
Hello masters! Maintenance has been completed successfully. 1). Server lagtency has been adjusted. 2). Please download game client again, in...
Wednesday, March 13 2019, at 12:34 AM (GMT +10)