Game News
MixMall [Premium Gamble Box] Added.
Hello masters! We are added 6 exclusive Premium gamble boxes to Mixmall. Depending on your selection you have a chance to win a Defensive Armour...
Thursday, April 20 2017, at 12:00 AM (GMT +10)Premium Zone Maps [Patch notes].
Hello masters! You can now login to our online servers, we have made the following changes: [1]Craft a Mini Hench has been removed. ...
Thursday, April 20 2017, at 12:00 AM (GMT +10)Easter Events Marathon
Hello masters! This week-end you will enjoy the days with the Easter Events Marathon! You will enjoy the days training and hunting with the...
Thursday, April 13 2017, at 12:00 AM (GMT +10)Craft the Mini - Event!
Hello masters! We have spawned NEO henchs in the world of mixmaster and to celebrate, they are dropping [Books for Production] for the Craft the...
Saturday, April 8 2017, at 12:00 AM (GMT +10)MixMall Discount Week(3)
Hello masters! You can enjoy our weekly sale (March, 29th). You can purchase discounted Item's for a limited time only get it while it last's!....
Wednesday, March 29 2017, at 12:00 AM (GMT +10)Crazy Garugon Event!
Are you prepared to begin your Weekend fun?Starting: 25th March! Ending: 29th March(23:59pm). Have a great weekend hunting Crazy Garugons?MixMaster...
Saturday, March 25 2017, at 12:00 AM (GMT +10)