You can search for an item by its name.
Nix Tear Gun(5)

Weapon Item(User. Phoy)
Required Level 75

Damage +(110~125)
Attack Speed +20%
Hit Rate +10

A mysterious gun which use tear of Undines; the lelmetal of water, as its bullets.

Sylphid Bow(5)

Weapon Item(User. Penril)
Required Level 75

Damage +(110~125)
Attack Speed +20%
Hit Rate +10

A mysterious bow made of feather of Sylphid; the elemental of air.

Quake Knuckle(5)

Weapn Item(User. Jin)
Required Level 75

Damage +(110~125)
Attack Speed +20%
Hit Rate +10

A mysterious knuckle made with mana of Gnome the elemental of earth.

Ifrit Sword(5)

Weapon Item(User. Ditt)
Required Level 75

Damage +(110~125)
Attack Speed +20%
Hit Rate +10

A mysterious sword made with mana of Ifrit the elememtal of fire.

Duck Quacking Gun(5)

Weapon Item(User. Phoy)
Required level 55

Damage +(98~118)
Attack Speed +15%
Hit Rate +10

The gun which can be misunderstood as a toy.

Angel Wing Bow(5)

Weapon Item(User. Penril)
Required Level 55

Damage +(98~118)
Attack Speed +15%
Hit Rate +10

The legendary bow which is made of angel's wing.

Eagle Knuckle(5)

Weapon Item(User. Jin)
Required Level 55

Damage +(98~118)
Attack Speed +15%
Hit Rate +10

The knuckle in which the soul of an eagle is sleeping.

Cross Guard(5)

Weapon Item(User. Ditt)
Required Level 55

Damage +(98~118)
Attack Speed +15%
Hit Rate +10

The huge cross which is full of the grace of God.

Sniper Phoy(5)

Armour Item(User: Phoy)

Hit Rate +20
Evasion Ability +60
Monster will not attack first
Hero's Damage -25%
Hench Attack Speed +3%
Battle costume for Phoy.

Robin Penril(5)

Armour Item(User: Penril)

Hit Rate +20
Evasion Ability +60
Monster will not attack first
Hero's Damage -25%
Hench Attack Speed +3%
Battle costume for Penril.

Boxer Jin(5)

Armour Item(User: Jin)

Hit Rate +20
Evasion Ability +60
Monster will not attack first
Hero's Damage -25%
Hench Attack Speed +3%
Battle costume for Jin.

Knight Ditt(5)

Armour Item(User: Ditt)

Hit Rate +20
Evasion Ability +60
Monster will not attack first
Hero's Damage -25%
Hench Attack Speed +3%
Battle costume for Ditt.